Logo: Your Voice Counts @KP

What are the surveys?


The KPDSB is launching a series of surveys the week of March 18, 2024. The surveys, called Your Voice Counts at KP, will gather important information about KPDSB students and schools. Students in different grade levels will complete different surveys. The surveys are confidential and voluntary. More information on the surveys can be found below.

Kindergarten - Grade 4

Parents/guardians of students in Kindergarten to Grade 4 are encouraged to complete the survey with or for their child(ren) at home. An email will be sent to the parent/guardian email address on file with the school with a confidential link to complete the survey on March 19. Please reach out to us at yourvoicecounts@kpdsb.ca if you do not receive the email on March 19.

Grade 5 - Grade 12

Students in Grades 5 to 12 will receive an email to their KPDSB email account with a confidential link to complete the survey. Class time will be given for students in grades 5-12 to complete the survey in their classrooms during the weeks of March 18 and March 25. Please watch for more information from your child’s school with the specific day your child will be given time to complete the survey in class.

What are the surveys?

The surveys for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 include questions about the identity and demographics of our students. This includes questions about which languages they speak, cultural roots, race, religion, gender identity, etc.

The surveys for students in grades 5-12 also include school climate questions and healthy living questions. School climate includes questions about safety, relationships, bullying, mental health, peer pressure, plans for the future, etc. The Healthy Living Module section of the survey includes questions about eating habits, physical activity, sleep habits, etc. Information collected from the Healthy Living Module of the survey will be shared with the Northwestern Health Unit.

An additional survey will be sent to all families by email on March 25. This survey is anonymous and asks parents/guardians about their child(ren)’s school climate, similar to the questions students in grades 5-12 will be asked in their surveys.

Are the surveys confidential?

The student surveys are confidential, while not anonymous. No direct identifying information, such as a student’s name, will be required on the surveys and responses collected through the surveys will be combined in a way that does not reveal personal information and will not identify a student or family. The surveys will be connected to each student’s Student Number only. School staff will not have access to Individual student responses collected by the electronic surveys. KPDSB will produce reports using all student data to help the board and schools make decisions for programs and instruction in our schools.

The surveys will collect data in a secure manner and in a way that does not reveal personal, identifiable information. Student data will be kept confidential.

Do we have to participate?

Students (and families of students in Kindergarten to Grade 4 who complete the survey at home with their child) may choose to skip any questions in the survey that they do not want to answer. You do not need to answer all of the questions to complete the survey. Students and families can also choose not to complete the survey. It is important to note that the more students and families that complete the survey, the more accurate the survey data will be. The more accurate the information is, the more helpful it is for us when using the data to identify and remove barriers and create additional opportunities for students.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the surveys?

The Your Voice Counts @KP surveys are an opportunity for students and families to share their voice and provide information to help improve our schools and system. The purpose of the surveys is to collect accurate data that will describe the Board’s current student population across all communities, grades and schools. This data includes which languages they speak, cultural roots, race, religion, gender identity, etc. The surveys for students in grades 5-12 will also ask students how they feel about the climate in their school(s). School climate includes questions about safety, relationships, bullying, mental health, peer pressure, plans for the future, etc. 

There is also a section in the survey for grades 5-12 called the Healthy Living Module through a partnership with the Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU). The Healthy Living Module asks questions about eating habits, physical activity, sleep habits, etc. Data collected through the Healthy Living Module section of the survey will be shared with the NWHU. The NWHU collects the data from area school boards with the goal of improving child and youth health and wellbeing by improving programming and services to address local student needs.’

The data collected through the surveys will be used to identify barriers to student success and wellbeing which can then be used to review existing programs and supports and identify changes needed to support and improve the academic achievement and well-being of all students.

What data do the surveys collect?

Data will be collected on a voluntary basis and will include subjects like which languages students speak, cultural roots, race, religion, gender identity, etc. The surveys will also collect school climate information for students in grades 5-12, including how students feel about the climate in their school(s). School climate includes questions about safety, relationships, bullying, mental health, peer pressure, plans for the future, etc.

There is also a section in the survey for grades 5-12 called the Healthy Living Module through a partnership with the Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU). The Healthy Living Module asks questions about eating habits, physical activity, sleep habits, etc. Data collected through the Healthy Living Module section of the survey will be shared with the NWHU. The NWHU collects the data from area school boards with the goal of improving child and youth health and wellbeing by improving programming and services to address local student needs.

Copies of the questions in the surveys are available upon request. Please email us at yourvoicecounts@kpdsb.ca to request a copy of the survey questions for your child’s age.

How will the Information be used?

The data collected through the surveys will be used to identify barriers to student success and wellbeing which can then be used to review existing programs and supports and identify changes needed to support and improve the academic achievement and well-being of all students. No direct identifying information, such as a student’s name, will be required on the surveys and responses collected through the surveys will be combined in a way that does not reveal personal information and will not identify a student or family. School staff will not have access to Individual student responses collected by the surveys. KPDSB will produce reports using all student data to help the board and schools make decisions for programs and instruction.

Is the completion of the survey mandatory?

Students (and families of students in Kindergarten to Grade 4 who complete the survey at home with their child) may choose to skip any questions in the survey that they do not want to answer. You do not need to answer all of the questions to complete the survey. Students and families can also choose not to complete the survey. It is important to note that the more students and families that complete the survey, the more accurate the survey data will be. The more accurate the information is, the more helpful it is for us when using the data to identify and remove barriers and create additional opportunities for our students.

How long will the survey take to complete?

We estimate that it will take about 15-20 minutes to complete the survey, depending on the student’s age/grade.

What if a student or family cannot complete the survey online?

Some students may find it challenging to complete the survey. Staff will be available to support students who are completing the survey in their classroom. Schools will provide a paper copy of the survey if that is the best option. To request a paper copy of the survey for you or your child, please reach out to your child’s school.

I am a parent of a child(ren) in Kindergarten to Grade 4 who will be completing the survey at home with my child(ren). Do I need to fill out a separate survey for each child in my home?

Yes, you will need to fill out a separate survey for each child. Each survey is linked to each child’s Student Number

Is the survey confidential?

The student surveys are confidential, while not anonymous. No direct identifying information, such as a student’s name, will be required on the surveys and responses collected through the surveys will be combined in a way that does not reveal personal information and will not identify a student or family. School staff will not have access to Individual student responses collected by the surveys. The surveys will collect data in a secure manner and in a way that does not reveal personal, identifiable information. Student data will be kept confidential.

All information will be collected and stored in a secure and confidential database and accessed only by authorized KPDSB personnel. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Education Act, RSO 1990, c. E-2, and will be used in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSO 1990, c. M-56.

Who will have access to the survey results?

Once responses are processed and analyzed, a series of reports will be created to help inform board and school decision making for programs and instruction. School staff will not have access to individual student results. Responses collected through the surveys will be combined in a way that does not reveal personal information and will not identify a student or family. By law, KPDSB cannot reveal individualized identity and demographic information for any student/parent/guardian who completes the survey.

Does the collection of personal information violate the Human Rights Code or Protection of Privacy?

No. The collection of identity-based data is supported by Canada’s human rights legislative framework, including the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Human Rights Code permits and encourages the collection and analysis of identity data for the purposes of identifying and removing systemic barriers; preventing discrimination; and promoting equity and inclusivity.

Who determined the survey questions?

The identity and demographic questions were created by the Ministry of Education’s Equity Secretariat as part of the identity–based data project. Locally, KPDSB created a Data Committee, including members from different staffing groups and leadership, which reviewed questions provided by the Ministry of Education as well as surveys from numerous school boards. The committee went through a robust review process for the questions in each survey.

When will the surveys be completed?

The surveys will take place during the weeks of March 18 and 25, 2024.

Families of students in Kindergarten to Grade 4 will receive a link to the survey by email on March 19 to the email address on file with the school (if you have more than one child in Kindergarten to Grade 4 you will receive an email with a link for each child). Print copies of the survey(s) are available by request if needed, please just reach out to your child’s school.

Students in Grades 5-12 will receive a link to their survey by email. The email will be sent to their KPDSB email account the day their school has scheduled the surveys to be completed. Please watch for information directly from your child’s school as to when students will be given time to complete their survey in class.

Will the survey be accessible to all students?

Yes. Support staff such as educational assistants can provide support as required.

Why is there a Healthy Living Module in the survey for grades 5-12?

There is a Healthy Living section included in the survey for students in grades 5-12 through a partnership with the Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU). The Healthy Living Module asks questions about eating habits, physical activity, sleep habits, etc. Data collected through the Healthy Living Module section of the survey for grades 5-12 will be shared with the NWHU (only the data collected through the healthy living module will be shared with the NWHU and no identifying information will be shared). The NWHU collects the data from area school boards with the goal of improving child and youth health and wellbeing by improving programming and services to address local student needs.


If you have further questions, please email us at yourvoicecounts@kpdsb.ca